The Church at the Mount
We’re Building a new Church!
Acts Family Church is in the process of building The Church at the Mount in Mount Pleasant, Tennessee. More details to come.

Welcome to The Church at the Mount

You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works! We’ll help you discover how to live life wide open when you surrender all to Jesus.
Welcome to The Church at the Mount. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit our web site. We believe a church should be relevant to the needs of people in today’s culture. The Church at the Mount also believes that a strong family makes a strong community all of which will bring glory and honor to God.
Dr. Tim Paul
Lead Pastor
Dr. Tim Paul has served in ministry for over 36 years. He is founder and lead pastor of Acts Family Church. Tim is married to Diane Paul. They have three sons and two grandsons. Tim’s passion is to see Christians grow in their faith and walk with Jesus Christ.
Mark Johnson 
Executive Pastor
Mark Johnson is married to Kim Johnson. Mark and Kim have four children and two grandchildren. Mark’s passion is positioning the church as a representative of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mark is tasked with making those operational decisions that keeps the church moving forward.
Cliff Stanfill
Evangelism and Outreach Pastor
Cliff Stanfill is married to Stephanie Stanfill. Cliff and Stephanie have two children. Cliff’s passion is evangelism and mission work. He believes the local mission field is full of opportunities to share the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.
Keaton Paul
Shepherding and Discipleship Pastor
Keaton Paul is married to Destiny Paul. Keaton is completing his Masters of Divinity degree from the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Keaton’s passion is leading our church families in spiritual growth and discipleship.
Penny Waters
Kid’s Rock Director
Penny Waters has been serving in children’s ministries for over 40 years. She is a retired school teacher and has a passion for teaching children of Jesus and His love. Penny is married to Rick Waters.
Rick Waters
Worship and Tech Team
Rick Waters is a member of the tech team and the drummer for the worship band. He is passionate about worship and has been involved in Christian music for more than 40 years. Rick is married to Penny Waters.
Russell Richardson
Audio Technician
Russell has been a man of many talents and has mastered most of them. He has been very instrumental with the technical aspect of ministry for many years. Russell is married to Tammi Richardson.
Troy Hughes
Video Technician
Troy has been serving in the capacity of all-things-techincal for more than 25 years. His passion is making sure that the audio and video aspects of the service are the best they can be. Troy is married to Lori Hughes.
Ms. LeAnna Caul and Emma Jones
Nursery’s Finest
The finest and most dedicated nursery team is right here at Acts Family Church. Our team is well equipped to serve our little ones. Ms. LeAnna serves little ones through out the week and is well qualified to take care of and teach our little ones with age appropriate stories that will introduce them to Jesus Christ.
Donald Paul
Pastor/Elder Emeritus
Donald has been instrumental in carrying forward God’s church work for more than 66 years. He and Carolyn married in 1954 and quickly became leaders in a small Baptist church. Donald was ordained as a deacon in 1960 and became the Chairman of the Board of Deacons in 1961. He filled this position until 2010 when he became a pastor and elder of Acts Family Church. His meekness and Christlikeness have touched many lives over the years and he continues to do so today6

Our Statement of Faith and Beliefs

We believe…
1. The Bible is the inspired, infallible, completed Word of God without error in its original manuscripts.
2. There is only one, living and true God, composed of three Persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; each eternally coexistent and fully God.
3. God is sovereign over all creation, and He directs all things in accordance with His eternal, immutable purpose.
4. The first man was created perfect, but willfully disobeyed God, severing his communion with God, thus leaving his descendants – all mankind – at enmity with God and spiritually dead in their sin.
5. For no reason, other than to glorify His own Self, God in His eternal purpose chose to reconcile a multitude of people to Himself through the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For this multitude Jesus Christ took on the form of a man and became their perfect Substitute on the cross, satisfying divine justice on their behalf. His sacrifice purchased all things necessary to ensure their eternal salvation.
6. Although God commands men everywhere to repent, such is the power of sin that men will not of themselves obey this command. Therefore God, determining to save those for whom Christ died, draws them by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit; who renews their minds, hearts and wills so that they freely trust in Christ.
7. Saving faith is of necessity accompanied by repentance, which involves the recognition of, sorrow over, and the turning away from all known sin, with a new desire to live in obedience to Jesus Christ.
8. Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the one true Christian Church, which is made up of only those people who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. All these are presently indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and by their words and deeds show their allegiance to Christ.
9. There are two ordinances which have been instituted by the Lord Jesus; believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Neither of these has, in itself, the power to save men from their sins, but are outward symbols of inward, spiritual realities.
10. God, in His eternal purpose, has also appointed a day of judgment; a day in which He will judge all mankind in righteousness by Jesus Christ. Every human who has ever lived will appear before Christ to give an account of their life and to receive either everlasting life in the presence of God, or everlasting torment in hell.


Every Sunday we bring a message of hope.
The only hope to be found in Jesus. 
The current sermon series is from the Book of Mark called “Kingdom Servant”.
The Rapture and Resurrection-1Thess.4:13-18

You can view more videos from our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Worship The Lord In Giving

Give through Online Giving

Serving & Getting Involved

Child Care
We provide childcare during all services at the church. Feel free to volunteer!
Kid’s Rock
Our youth services occur alongside our regular main services each Sunday.
Do you like to meet people? We need greeters. If you like to smile, sign up.
Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm is Bible Study night. In-depth teaching for the Bible Scholar.
Worship Team
Musical? Good voice? Feeling called to be part of the worship team? Let’s do this!
Discipleship Program
Our discipleship training program is the perfect platform for leadership stewarding.
Tech Team
We live stream every Sunday morning service. Are you interested in helping out?
Do you like serving. We need ushers to help with the services. Sign up today!

We Are Social 

Find us on Social Media

Visit The Church at the Mount

Sunday – 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday – 6:30 p.m.

188 South Cross Bridges Road, Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474


The Church
at the
P.O. Box 413
Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474
Church located at:
188 South Cross Bridges Road
Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474
About The Church at the Mount
We are a non-denominational church founded in 2010. We exist to Love Up, Love In, and Love Out as we bring glory and honor to Christ our Lord.